Friday, October 21, 2022

Post 3: My Dream Job

Well, currently I´m studying chemistry and pharmacy, so I have a lot of options at this moment: Assistance pharmacy, Industrial area, Quality control, Communal pharmacy, etc. Honestly, I think that the Assistance Pharmacy Area is my best option for now. It would be better if it was in a hospital because I want to have contact with the clinical area, obtain more experience and maybe later work on it.

I would need a lot of skills to work in this area. Besides the knowledge of all the chemistry, medicines, generic drugs, and how to prepare some of these products I need to know how to work with other people: Is necessary to cooperate with a medical team to provide good treatment to the patient and it means a safe, efficient, and timely process giving the correct information.

In relation to the salary, if I was living alone it would not be a problem because I don´t require much money to survive in this world (hahaha). If at the end of the month I receive a pay slip I will be satisfied.

I´m thinking of taking a major in pharmaceutical science because if I study more about this area I will acquire new knowledge and improve my abilities to be a better professional.

After some years, if I have a good condition of health I will open an independent pharmacy. There I will be the boss and hire some people if they have a good curriculum vitae and shows interest to obtain in the interview


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