Friday, November 25, 2022

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

I think that the programme of my career (Chemistry and Pharmacy) is demanding because you have a lot of different subjects to study and create connections among these topics would result hard if you did not the effort to put in order the information to facilitate the work of your brain. Especially in the first years when you receive very general information and probably you don´t have any idea of when you can use it.

About the workload and length of my career I think it is ok: We can view all the important subjects that a chemist needs to be a good professional and I consider 6 years is a good period to achieve it. I know that in the previous generations (for example 2000´s generation) the workload was harder, but the times were changed and now we have new problems to fight.

The faculty provides us with some grateful spaces to take a break, talk with classmates, and study. Sometimes these areas need renovation or an improvement and to be honest I think the faculty is slow to solve problems. However we can use computers, we have an internet connection, a library and functional materials to learn in the labs and I think it can be better but is ok. In the environment always you can see issues, the world is crazy so I believe that the more important thing is your attitude and motivation to learn.

Following these ideas, the teaching methods can have an improvement in many cases, but I saw the effort of the teachers to provide good material and a good class. Some days when I felt tired and I saw some teachers with a lot of energy I think: "How they can do it? They are awesome!"

The principal change that could be made to this study programme is in the organization about the dates of the important tests, because usually these evaluations are in the worst day.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Friday, November 11, 2022

Post 4: A Time Travel to the Future

Well, I am indecisive in this topic because I would like to see some things about the future and also about the past. In the past lived amazing people and the possibility to meet his selves result exciting for me: Scientists, Politicians, Warriors, Philosophers, etc.

On the one hand, I would like to travel to Ancient Greece in 300 B.C. because it was the place where lived the people that makes the bases or the pillar of the actual human civilization: Some ideas, knowledge, and constructions come from Greece. Result interesting think about how in our initial states as humanity we have much potential to create awesome constructions, theories or more! I think at these moment in history, as humans, we were at the roots if our progress was like a tree.

Obviously, I wouldn´t like to stay in Ancient Greece for a long period because there was a lot of negligence in society. So I prefer to stay here in the present.

And on the other hand, I would like to travel 100 or 200 years into the future to see probably the last leaves or fruits of the tree: What new advances in science or laws are there? Did we solve the environmental problems or find new medical methods to fight diseases such as cancer?
 I would like to stay there if the conditions were good, for example: world peace, better health, new advances or more, but If the human was extinted or the earth was destroyed I wouldn´t like to stay there... Imagine this situation: You go to the future and when you come there all the things are isolated. It would be the last thing you will see in your life if the conditions of life were lost.
For these reasons probably I would like to visit Ancient Greece hahaha

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

I think that the programme of my career (Chemistry and Pharmacy) is demanding because you have a lot of different subjects to study and crea...