Friday, September 23, 2022

Post 1: A country I would like to visit

I would like to go to Japan, because their culture and the people who live there seem attractive to me. It´s so different in comparison to occidental culture: constructions, foods, clothes and traditions.

Recently I have a dilemma: In the future I would like to learn a new language just for fun and it can be Chinese or Japanese. But, finally I prefer Japanese because it´s easier. People usually says there are persons that are so friendly and have discipline and respect. I really believe that because they live in a little island so it is necessary to cooperate and be efficient. So if I go to Japan I might learn more about the language and habits of their citizens.

I would like to interact with the people, especially old people who live in rural places because they usually preserve so many traditions. Besides that I would enjoy the spectacular views of this places. But also I would like to visit some cities like Shibuya (Tokio) the place where Hachiko lived or go to one of the many thermal waters ("onsen") that we can find in the country.

Probably I would like to study and live there, because people and culture are so interesting. They are so organizated and efficient, but it´s necessary consider that they live in a little island and there is a build-up of people. Besides the volcanic activity and the probability of tsunamis or earthquakes are strong reasons that discourage me because I enjoy more peaceful and safe places.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

{ Introducing Myself } >> Who is Mariano?

 Hi Everyone!  

My name is Mariano Allendes, i´m 19 years old at this moment and i´m studying Chemistry and Pharmacy.

About my weakness and stenghts in English: I think i´m good with the writting and reading, because i like to have more time to process the ideas better, but when i need speak or listen i have some problems. 

It is in part due to my low social habilities and this also contributed to isolate myself. So it creates a negative perspective on me about many of situations that happens in the world, especially now with all the problems we have.

However the university and the experiences with other people there helps me so much!

{ English IV } Semester 2 - 2022

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

I think that the programme of my career (Chemistry and Pharmacy) is demanding because you have a lot of different subjects to study and crea...